суббота, 16 апреля 2011 г.

Drink Up Before You Go Caroling This Season As Long As It's Not Alcohol

If you're planning to hit the streets and sing Christmas carols around the neighborhood during the holiday season make sure to drink plenty of water, that is.

During cold weather, the air is cold and dry, and in turn, can dry up your voice, explains Thomas Jefferson University Hospital voice specialist Joseph R. Spiegel, M.D., and co-director of the Jefferson Center for Voice and Swallowing.

"Carolers need to hydrate well before going out and while outside," said Dr. Speigel, associate professor of otolaryngology/head and neck surgery, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University.

But that doesn't mean downing egg nog or any alcoholic beverages to prepare to sing O Holy Night, he warned.

"Christmas cheer is for those enjoying the carolers and should only be
enjoyed by those caroling when they are finished," Dr. Spiegel said. "Alcohol produces further dehydration. It also numbs a person to the cold temperature but not the effects of the cold temperature."

The voice results from air that blows up through the vocal folds and causes them to vibrate like two reeds on a reed instrument. Vocal injury most commonly results when the throat is dry or the singer is straining.

Dr. Spiegel also cautions that singing outdoors, especially in groups, is difficult because you can't hear yourself well and know if you're in key. If possible, carolers should bring someone with them to stand in the audience, who can provide feedback about loudness and quality of the voices.

Thomas Jefferson University

211 S. 9th St., Ste 310

Philadelphia, PA 19107-5506

United States


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