пятница, 6 мая 2011 г.

fpa Response To 'Sex, Drugs, Alcohol And Young People' Report, UK

Responding to the publication of the Independent Advisory Group (IAG) on Sexual Health and HIV seminar report 'Sex, Drugs, Alcohol and Young People' Anne Weyman, Chief Executive fpa said:

"fpa welcomes this report and supports all findings of the review. We have to recognise that drugs and alcohol influence some young people's sexual behaviour consequently putting them at risk. This is why we need a national strategy relevant to young people's experiences. It would also connect the work of different organisations that are currently operating in isolation from each other.

"As this report shows, young people receive messages and behavioural cues not just from family and friends but from different sources including advertising and the media. We know from the community based work fpa does with young people that this can affect decision-making. For the first time fpa will be including information about sex, drugs and alcohol in our campaign information for Sexual Health Week[1].

"Yet again fpa calls on the Government to introduce comprehensive Personal Social and Health Education in schools for all pupils to give them the information and skills they need to make informed decisions about their lives."

fpa (Family Planning Association) is the only registered charity working to improve the sexual health and reproductive rights of all people throughout the UK

1] Pillow Talk : taking the embarrassment out of talking about condoms is the theme of Sexual Health Week 6th- 12th August 2007.


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