вторник, 12 апреля 2011 г.

Scientific American Features Series On HIV/AIDS: Prevention Strategies, MSM, IDUs

Most Popular Articles For HIV

These are the most read articles from this news category for the last 6 months:

Kidney Transplant Recipient Infected With HIV From Live Donor - Procedure Needs Reviewing
20 Mar 2011
Despite routine screening for HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) by live donors, a kidney transplant recipient became infected, according the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene...
HIV Positive Porn Actor Did Not Infect Anybody Else
06 Nov 2010
19% Of Sexually Active Gay/Bisexual Men Are HIV Positive In Parts of US Cities
25 Sep 2010
Some People Control HIV Without Drugs Due To 5 Amino Acids In A Protein
05 Nov 2010
Routine Screening For HIV Is Cost-Effective And Acceptable Say UK Experts
01 Dec 2010

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